NOVUS AUTOMATION has been manufacturing quality process control
equipment since 1982 and have grown in size over this time. New to the UK market these instruments offer not only
a range of facilities to meet a wide scope of applications but marries price and quality extremely well. The units are
all built to high standards and reliability has been designed in, giving the confidence of 2-year warranty on all products. CalCert Instruments Ltd are acting at different levels, from a pure sales route, to more importantly an applications
solver and after sales back up provider. From our central location we offer in-house calibrations or site calibration visits.
Instruments can come to you pre-programmed with all settings logged so if any orders are duplicated in the future
or problems occur after supply we have a reference of how the instrument was originally supplied. These products
provide a core route to solution provision and therefore we carry a number of products in stock for immediate delivery.

The N1020 is the only 1/32nd Din controller
in the range. General specification: Standard features. AUTO TUNING PID
The Ai509 shares all the main features of its sister product Ai508, the difference between the
2 model levels is the measurement resolution.
The Ai509 resolves to 0.1°C or 0.1°F.
The Ai519 family as with its lower cost associated products comes in various size options and therefore
its input and output options will change. The 519 not only covers thermocouples and RTD's but can now accept linear
voltage and current inputs giving access to control of a wider range of parameters.
Outputs now include not only
Relay, Logic and Triac but now add a linear mA option.
Also with the 519, RS485 communications becomes available.
Resolution is 0.0°C&F
Other features are: AUTO - MAN function SOFT START
The Ai708 and 808 family as with its lower cost associated products comes in various size
options and therefore its input and output options will change. The 708 & 808 not only covers thermocouples
and RTD's but can now accept linear voltage and current inputs giving access to control of a wider range of parameters.
The 708 and 808 are our top end controllers with a 0.1% accuracy.
Outputs now include not only Relay, Logic
and Triac but now add linear mA option and also Valve Motor Drive.
Also with the 708 and 808 RS485
communications becomes available.
Resolution is 0.0°C&F
These 2 units finish of our range by adding into all the features of the 708 and 808 a 50 segment
programmer. To further enhance this there is also now the option of including a digital event outputs.
The Ai518 family as with its lower cost associated products comes in various size options and therefore
its input and output options will change. The 518 not only covers thermocouples and RTD's but can now accept linear
voltage and current inputs giving access to control of a wider range of parameters.
Outputs now include not only
Relay, Logic and Triac but now add a linear mA option.
Also with the 518 RS485 communications becomes available.
Resolution is 0.0°C&F
The "P" option also gives a 30 segment profile/programmer
The Ai519 family as with its lower cost associated products comes in various size options and therefore
its input and output options will change. The 519 not only covers thermocouples and RTD's but can now accept linear
voltage and current inputs giving access to control of a wider range of parameters.
Outputs now include not only
Relay, Logic and Triac but now add a linear mA option.
Also with the 519, RS485 communications becomes available.
Resolution is 0.0°C&F
Other features are: AUTO - MAN function SOFT START
The Ai708 and 808 family as with its lower cost associated products comes in various size
options and therefore its input and output options will change. The 708 & 808 not only covers thermocouples
and RTD's but can now accept linear voltage and current inputs giving access to control of a wider range of parameters.
The 708 and 808 are our top end controllers with a 0.1% accuracy.
Outputs now include not only Relay, Logic
and Triac but now add linear mA option and also Valve Motor Drive.
Also with the 708 and 808 RS485
communications becomes available.
Resolution is 0.0°C&F
These 2 units finish of our range by adding into all the features of the 708 and 808 a 50 segment
programmer. To further enhance this there is also now the option of including a digital event outputs.